Sie sind hier: EVENTS > FIW Conferences > 2. FIW Research Conference
2. FIW Forschungskonferenz2. FIW Research Conference
18.10.2024 : 19:18 : +0200

The FIW - Research Centre International Economics ( is a cooperation between the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the University Vienna, the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the University of Innsbruck, WIFO, wiiw and WSR. FIW is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministries of Education, Research and Science (BMBFW) and of Labour and Economy (BMAW).

FIW Statistics

Current  FIW Statistics on International Trade,  a clear and graphical overview.

2nd FIW Research Conference on "International Economics"


The 2nd FIW-Research Conference will take place on Friday, 12th December 2008 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, UZA 4, Nordbergstrasse 15, 1090 Vienna.


The rooms are:

Kern D, 7th Floor, Konferenzraum 1 (D706)


Kern D, 3rd Floor, Hörsaal S 316



UZA 4, Kern D, 7th Floor, Konferenzraum 1 (D706)


09:00 Opening Remarks by Fritz Breuss (FIW/WIFO)



UZA 4, Kern D, 7th Floor, Konferenzraum 1 (D706)


Session 1a : Trade and Income Distribution (Chair: Roman Stöllinger, FIW/wiiw)


09:15 Dierk Herzer (Johann Wolfgang Goethe - University):

"Cross Country Heterogeneity and the Trade-Income Relationship" Download PaperDownload Presentation


09:45 Hans Fehr (University of Wuerzburg), Sabine Jokisch (Ulm University), Laurence J. Kotlikoff (Boston University):

"Dynamic Globalization and Its Potentially Alarming Prospects for Low-Wage Workers" Download Paper, Download Presentation


10:15 Friedrich Sindermann, Alfred Sitz (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration):

"The Effects of Minimum Wages and International Non-Tradeable Goods on Foreign Trade and Unemployment in Industrialized Countries and China"Download Paper



UZA 4, Kern D, 3rd Floor, Hörsaal S 316


Session 1b: Fiscal and Monetary Policy Issues (Chair: Fritz Breuss, FIW/WIFO)


09:15 Amedeo Argentiero (University of Rome Tor Vergata):

"Debt Stabilization and Business Cycle Stabilization in the EMU: Trade off or Synergy?" Download Presentation


09:45 Chiara Forlati (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne):

"Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the EMU: Does Fiscal Policy Coordination Matter?"Download Paper, Download Presentation


10:15 Jorge A. Fornero (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration):

"Managing Fiscal Policy with non-Ricardian Consumers in large open Economies: A DSGE Model for the Euro Area and the U.S." Download Paper, Download Presentation



10:45-11:00 Coffee Break




UZA 4, Kern D, 7th Floor, Konferenzraum 1 (D706)


Session 2a: Outsourcing (Chair: Yvonne Wolfmayr, FIW/WIFO)


11:00 Daniel Horgos (Helmut Schmidt University):

"International Outsourcing and Wage Rigidity: A Formal Approach and First Empirical Evidence" Download Paper, Download Presentation


11:30 Stefano Federico (Bank of Italy):

"Outsourcing Versus Integration at Home and Abroad" Download Paper, Download Presentation


12:00 Fergal McCann (University College Dublin):

"Outsourcing and Firm Productivity" Download Paper , Download Presentation




UZA 4, Kern D, 3rd Floor, Hörsaal S 316


Session 2b: International Macroeconomics (Chair: Harald Badinger, Vienna University of Economics and Business)


11:00 Lukas Mohler (University of Basel):

"Globalization and the Gains from Variety: The Case of a Small Open Economy" Download Paper , Download Presentation


11:30 Michael Kühl (University Goettingen):

"Excess Comovements in the Foreign Exchange Market with an Application to the Euro-GBP-USD triplet" Download Presentation


12:00 Haluk Erlat (Middle East Technical University):

"Persistence in Turkish Real Exchange Rates: Panel Approaches" Download Paper, Download Presentation



12:30-14:00 Lunch Break





UZA 4, Kern D, 7th Floor, Konferenzraum 1 (D706)


Session 3a: Trade Modelling (Chair: Julia Wörz, OeNB)


14:00 Koen Smet (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration):

"A Clockwork Economy" Download Paper, Download Presentation


14:30 Aidan Islyami (University of Kiel):

"Trade in Intermediate Producer Services under Imperfect Competition" Download Paper, Download Paper


15:00 Omar Feraboli (Chemnitz University of Technology), Timo Trimborn (University of Hannover):

"Trade Liberalization and Income Distribution: A CGE Model for Jordan" Download Paper, Download Presentation




UZA 4, Kern D, 3rd Floor, Hörsaal S 316


Session 3b: Factor Movements and Barriers to Trade (Chair: Martin Falk, FIW/WIFO)


14:00 Nicolas Sauter (Munich Graduate School of Economics):

"Talking Trade: Language Barriers in Intra-Canadian Commerce" Download Paper, Download Presentation


14:30 Jan Fidrmuc (Brunel University), Jarko Fidrmuc (University of Munich):

"Foreign Languages and Trade: What are you sinking about?" Download Paper, Download Presentation


15:00 Jorge A. Fornero, Gabriele Tondl (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration):

"Sectoral Productivity and Spillover Effects of FDI in Latin America" Download Paper



15:30-16:00 Coffee Break





UZA 4, Kern D, 7th Floor, Konferenzraum 1 (D706)


Session 4: Plenary Session (Chair: Michael Landesmann FIW/wiiw)


16:00 Maela Giofré (CeRP):

"Convergence of EMU Equity Portfolios" Download Paper, Download Presentation


16:30 Harald Badinger (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration), Peter Egger (Ifo):

"Horizontal versus Vertical Interdependence in Multinational Activity" Download Paper


17:00 Mario Larch (Ifo), Wolfgang Lechthaler (ifw):

"Comparative Advantage and Skill Specific-Unemployment"Download Paper, Download Presentation



17:30 Awards Ceremony