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1. FIW Forschungskonferenz1. FIW Research Conference
18.10.2024 : 19:20 : +0200

The FIW - Research Centre International Economics ( is a cooperation between the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the University Vienna, the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the University of Innsbruck, WIFO, wiiw and WSR. FIW is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministries of Education, Research and Science (BMBFW) and of Labour and Economy (BMAW).

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Current  FIW Statistics on International Trade,  a clear and graphical overview.

Research Conference International Economics

December 14, 2007

Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

Nordbergstraße 15, 1090 Wien

Being a small open economy, Austria naturally has a strong interest in trade issues. As such it also hosts an internationally well integrated and growing research community, taking account of this fact with theoretical, empirical and policy oriented contributions to the field of International Economics and research on the particular position and prospects of an increasingly globalized economic environment for Austria. The newly established "Research Centre International Economics" (FIW) was launching a research conference to further enhance integration within the Austrian Research community in the field and to promote networking and potential cooperation among researchers, as well as to share experience and stimulate discussion and encourage critical comments.


Empirical, theoretical as well as policy-oriented contributions in the field of International Economics were presented and discussed at the Conference. The best conference distributen as well as the best contribution from a young researcher (year of birth 1976 or younger) was awarded 750 Euro each at the conference.


There was no registration fee to attend the conference.



Deadline for submitting a paper was November the 15th 2007.


Conference languages were German and English.



In the morning the research conference only took place in UZA 4, Konferenzraum 1 (D706). In the afternnon there were two parallel sessions in Konfernezraum 1 and in Hörsaal SB 206, Kern B, UZA 4.


UZA 4, Konferenzraum 1 (D706)


09:00 Welcoming words Fritz Breuss


Session 1, Chair: Robert Stehrer


09:15 Erich Streissler and Thomas Singer:"Towards an Empirically Founded Theory of Exchange Rates" Donwload Paper!


09:55 Benjamin Jung and Gabriel Felbermayr: "Sorting it out: Technical barriers to trade and industry productivity" Donwload Paper!


10:35 Kaffeepause


Session 2, Chair: Fritz Breuss


10:50 Harald Badinger: "Globalization, the Output-Inflation Trade off, and Inflation" link fileadmin/Documents/Veranstaltungen/Forschungskonferenz/Globalization_Inflation.pdf>Download Paper!


11:30 Harald Oberhofer and Michael Pfaffermayr: "FDI versus Exports: Substitutes or Complements? A Three Nations Model and Empirical Evidence" Download Paper!



12:10 Lunch


UZA 4, Konferenzraum 1 (D706)


Session 3, Chair: Julia Wörz


13:10 Patricia Prüfer and Gabriele Tondl: "The FDI-Growth Nexus in Latin America: The Role of Source Countries and Local Conditions"


13:50 Christian Bellak, Markus Leibrecht and Joze Damijan: "Infrastructure endowment and corporate income taxes as determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Central- and Eastern European Countries" Download Paper!


14:30 Coffee break


Session 4, Chair: Ina Matt


14:45 Edith Skriner: "Forecasting Global Flows" Download Paper!


15:25 Martin Falk and Mariya Hake: "A Panel Data Analysis on FDI and Exports" Download Paper!


UZA 4, Kern B, Hörsaal SB 206


Session 5, Chair: Ingrid Kubin


13:10 Gottfried Haber and Reinhard Neck: "US and European Macroeconomic Policies after an EMU Enlargement"


13:50 Guido Schäfer: "An Economic Analysis of the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)" Download Paper!


Session 6, Chair: Mario Holzner


14:45 Nikolaus Bayerl, Oliver Fritz and Gerhard Streicher: "Exports and Services: An Input-Output Analysis for Austria“ Download Paper!


15:25 Koen Smet: "Stuck in the Middle? The structure of trade between South Africa and its major trading partners" Download Paper!



UZA 4, Konferenzraum 1, (D706)



16:05 Awards Ceremony


Session 7, Chair : Fritz Breuss


16:20 Elvira Prades and Katrin Rabitsch: "Capital liberalization and the U.S. external imbalance" Download Paper!


17:00 Final Words Julia Wörz


The winner of the price for the best conference distributen Benjamin Jung (University of Tübingen) und the winner of the price for the best contribution from a young researcher Katrin Rabitsch (WU Wien) presentating.