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9. FIW Forschungskonferenz 9th FIW Research Conference
18.10.2024 : 19:26 : +0200

The FIW - Research Centre International Economics ( is a cooperation between the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the University Vienna, the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the University of Innsbruck, WIFO, wiiw and WSR. FIW is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministries of Education, Research and Science (BMBFW) and of Labour and Economy (BMAW).

FIW Statistics

Current  FIW Statistics on International Trade,  a clear and graphical overview.

9th FIW Research Conference

9thFIW Research Conference ‘International Economics’

December1-2, 2016 - University Vienna


Venue:                   University of Vienna, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna         

Contact:                      FIW Project Office (fiw-pb(at)

Keynote Lecture:     Wilhelm Kohler (Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen, IAW)

The conference programme can be found here!


Keynote Lecture Wilhelm Kohler


Presentations Part2


Prizes for the best contributions to the Research Conference have been awarded.

Both award-winners received a prize worth 1.000 €.


Gaetano Alfredo Minverva received the ‘Best Conference Paper Award 16’ for the submission"The proximity-concentration trade-off with multiproduct multinational firms". 

TheYoung Economist Award 16’ has been awarded to Boris Georgiev (Aarhus University) for the submission "Multi-product firms, markup adjustment and import competition".

The ‘Young Economist Award 16 is intended for Ph.D. students, post-graduate students, young faculty members and young researchers in similar positions. To be considered for this award all authors of the paper have to be 34 or younger at the time of submission.




The 9th FIW Research Conference on ‘International Economics’ took place on Thursday, December 1, 2016 andFriday,  December 2, 2016, at the University of Vienna, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics,
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna.



The broad topic of the conference is ‘International Economics’. This includes, inter alia, the areas of Trade, International Factor Movements, Economic Integration, Trade Policy, International Trade Organizations, Economic Growth of Open Economies, Multinational Firms, International Macroeconomics and other related fields.



The Research Centre International Economics - FIW announces its 9th Research Conference ‘International Economics on December 1-2, 2016 and invites the submission of papers to be presented at the conference.

The main objective of the conference is to provide a platform for economists working in the field of ‘International Economics’ in Austria and its neighbouring countries to present recent research. Papers from Ph.D. students, post-graduate students, young faculty members and young researchers in similar positions are particularly welcome as the conference aims to support and encourage young economists by providing an opportunity to present their work.



Scientific Board

FIW: Fritz Breuss and Robert Stehrer

University of Vienna: Alejandro Cunat

WU Vienna: Harald Badinger

IOS Regensburg: Richard Frensch

University of Economics Bratislava: Mikulas Luptacik

Ifo institute: Gabriel Felbermayr

MTA KRTK: Balázs Muraközy

University of Ljubljana: Joze P. Damijan

Universita di Bologna: Gaetano A. Minerva



The 9th FIW-Research Conference is jointly organized by the FIW Project , Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) Regensburg), the ifo Institute, the University of Ljubljana, the Universita di Bologna, University of Economics Bratislava and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA KRTK).

The ‘center of excellence’ FIW ( is a project of WIFO, wiiw and WSR on behalf of the BMWFW. The FIW cooperation with the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the University Vienna and the Johannes Kepler University Linz is supported by the former Federal Ministry of Science and Research (now integrated in the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy).


Questions may be addressed to fiw-pb(at)

The conference programme will be published on

Selection decisions will be communicated to the authors until the end of October 2015.

Attendance of the FIW Research Conference is free.

The conference language is English.

Travel expenses will not be refunded.