- FIW Trade Talks.
- Präsentationen aktueller FIW-Studien.
- FIW Konferenzen.
- FIW Workshops.
- 33. FIW-Workshop on Regional Economics.
- 32. FIW-Workshop 'Gravity at Sixty'.
- 31. FIW-Workshop 'Firms and Workers in the Global Economy'.
- 30. FIW Workshop "W.I.E.N".
- 29. FIW Workshop "Women in International Economics".
- 28. FIW Workshop "International Economic Networks".
- 27. FIW Workshop "International Economic Networks".
- 26. FIW Workshop "International Economic Networks".
- 25. FIW Workshop: "Migration, FDI and outsourcing".
- 24. FIW Workshop "International Economic Networks".
- 23. FIW Workshop "Trade and Environment.
- 22. "International Trade 200 years after Ricardo".
- 21. From Tariffs to Standards. Assessing the role of Non-Tariff Measures.
- 20. International Economics.
- 19. Trade, Migration and Labor Market Outcomes.
- 18. Political Economy of Trade Poliy.
- 17. Lessons from the Financial Crisis.
- 16. An Industrial Renaissance in Europe.
- 15. Trade & Productivity.
- 14. Rebalancing the Global Economy.
- 13. Global Trade and Growth.
- 12. Forschungsagenda.
- 11. FIW-Studien.
- 10. New Protectionism.
- 9. Access to Microdata.
- 8. New New Trade Theory.
- 7. FDI II.
- 6. Dienstleistungen.
- 5. Forschungsagenda.
- 4. FDI.
- 3. Migration.
- 2. Handelsabkommen.
- 1. EU-Erweiterung.
- FIW Seminare.
- FIW Vorlesungen.
- FIW Round Table.
- AW-Curriculum.
- Externe Veranstaltungen.
Der Forschungsschwerpunkt Internationale Wirtschaft (FIW) ( ist eine Kooperation zwischen der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU), der Universität Wien, der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, der Universität Innsbruck, WIFO, wiiw und WSR. FIW wird von den Bundesministerien BMBFW und BMAW unterstützt.
FIW Statistiken
Aktuelle FIW Statistiken zur Außenwirtschaft, übersichtlich und grafisch aufbereitet.
18. FIW Workshop: Political Economy of Trade Policy
FIW-Workshop "Political Economy of Trade Policy"
Tuesday, September 22, 2015,11:00 a.m.
The Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW), Sitzungssaal II (“Gobelinsaal”), Stubenring 1, 1011 Vienna
Political Economy of Trade Policy
The goal of this one-day workshop is to bring the scientific community on trade and political economy together with policy-makers on current trade negotiations, especially TTIP. The first part, the scientific workshop, will consist of research presentations in a seminar format on the political economy of trade deals. The second part, opening the audience to the wider public, will contain a keynote followed by a panel discussion on the politics and strategic implications of the current trade negotiations. We believe that this is the ideal format to reach both a wide audience, and an expert group in Austria, one of the key countries for the TTIP negotiations.
The programme can be found here.
Joseph Francois - Regulatory diversion and third country effects from regional agreements
Marion Jansen - Economics of trade disputes and investor-state disputes
Alan L. Winters - Regionalism and the WTO. Political Economy on a World Scale?
Andreas Duer - Global supply chains and the political economy of Preferential Tariff Liberalisation
Workshop convenor: Michael Landesmann (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw and Johannes Kepler University, Linz) in collaboration with Christian Odendahl and Rem Korteweg (Centre for European Reform, London)
The workshop is organised by The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) in cooperation with the Johannes Kepler University within the Research Center International Economics (FIW: The FIW is a project of the The Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW). It is a collaboration of WIFO, wiiw, WSR and Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of Vienna and Johannes Kepler University Linz.
(Papers and Powerpoint presentations, as far as available, will be posted on our homepage after the workshop.)