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The FIW - Research Centre International Economics ( is a cooperation between the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the University Vienna, the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the University of Innsbruck, WIFO, wiiw and WSR. FIW is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministries of Education, Research and Science (BMBFW) and of Labour and Economy (BMAW).

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Press release: "EU-Wirtschaftsregierung"

A press note has been published regarding Policy Brief Nr. 12 "EU-Wirtschaftsregierung: Eine notwendige aber nicht hinreichende Bedingung für das Überleben der Eurozone und des Euro" by Fritz Breuss (WIFO).


FIW-Policy Brief Nr. 12 "EU-Wirtschaftsregierung: Eine notwendige aber nicht hinreichende Bedingung für das Überleben der Eurozone und des Euro" published.

The 12th FIW-Policy Brief Nr. by Fritz Breuss (WIFO) concerning "EU-Wirtschaftsregierung: Eine notwendige aber nicht hinreichende Bedingung für das Überleben der Eurozone und des Euro" is now available for download.


New focus summer/fall 2011

The new focus is on crisis management in the euro area and FDI after the crisis.


Announcement: New FIW-Studypool

Soon we will issue a new Studypool by the BMWFJ within the framwork of the FIW-Project. The Call for Papers occure mid of October.


Update of FIW-Statistics

We updated the FIW-Statistics. The "Current FIW-Statistics on International Trade" offer a clear and graphical overview on key data and indices reflecting current international developments on international trade.


Working Paper Nr. 25 revised

Working Paper Nr. 25 "International Production and Wage Coordination in an Integrated Economy" by Domenico Buccella (University of Siena) has been revised.


Statistics Austria publishes foreign trade data

Preliminary results show that imports and exports have risen in the first 4 months of 2011. Gross imports account for 41,59 billion Euro, which is an increase of 20,7%, gross exports increased by 19,7% to 39,52 billion Euro. For further details please see press release of Statistics Austria.


Wirtschaftsbericht 2011 published

The annual Austrian economy-report ("Wirtschaftsbericht Österreich), which is coordinated by the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth gives an overview of the economic development, future goals and focuses of the past economic-political activities of the federal government. In this report the economical aims of the government are presented. The main aspect of this issue is strenghening the economic rebound and bringing forward structural change.


Update of FIW-Statistics

We updated the FIW-Statistics. The "Current FIW-Statistics on International Trade" offer a clear and graphical overview on key data and indices reflecting current international developments on international trade. Today´s WIFO forecast is already accounted for.


Statistik Austria veröffentlicht Gesamtjahr 2010

Statistik Austria hat heute die endgültigen Zahlen für das Gesamtjahr 2010 veröffentlicht. Demnach lag der Gesamtwert der Einfuhren von Waren im Zeitraum Jänner bis Dezember 2010 mit 113,65 Mrd. Euro um 16,5% über dem Vorjahreswert. Die Ausfuhren von Waren verzeichneten ebenfalls einen Zuwachs, von 16,7% auf 109,37 Mrd. Euro. In beiden Verkehrsrichtungen erreichte das Handelsvolumen beinahe das bisher stärkste Gesamtjahr 2008 (Einfuhren 95,1%, Ausfuhren 93,1%). Weitere Details entnehmen Sie der Presseaussendung von Statistik Austria.