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3. Migration3. Migration
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The FIW - Research Centre International Economics ( is a cooperation between the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the University Vienna, the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the University of Innsbruck, WIFO, wiiw and WSR. FIW is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministries of Education, Research and Science (BMBFW) and of Labour and Economy (BMAW).

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3rd FIW Workshop on the topic: Migration in the European Union

November 15th, 2007

14:00 - 18:30


Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour (BMWA),

Stubenring 1, Vienna

5th Floor, Press Centre


In the first part of the workshop recent research results by prominent migration experts were presented. A panel, discussing policy designs regarding the lifting of restrictions to labour mobility in the European Union, followed in the second part.


14:00: Registration and Coffee


14:15: Welcome Speech (Dr. Manfred Schekulin) and Introduction (Prof. Michael Landesmann)


14:30: Dr. Herbert Brücker (Head, Department of International Comparisons and European Integration, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)):

"Migration and the Wage Curve: A Novel Approach to Measure the Wage and Employment Effects of Migration."

Here you can download the presentation


15:10: Prof. Dr. Alessandra Venturini (Professor of Political Economy at the Law Faculty of the University of Torino):

"Circular Migration as an employment strategy for MENA countries"

Here you can download the presentation


15:50: Coffee Break


16:00: Prof. Dr. Rainer Münz (Head of the Research Department/ Erste Bank, Senior Fellow/ HWWI):

"Migration, Labor Markets and the Economic Integration of Migrants in Western Europe"

Here you can download the presentation


16:40: Cold Buffet


17:00: Policy Panel:

"Phasing out restrictions to the free movement of labour in the Enlarged European Union"


Dr. Herbert Brücker

Dr. Helmut Hofer (Labour Market Policy, Institute for Advanced Studies)

Prof. Dr. Rainer Münz

MR Dr. Ingrid Nowotny (Foreign Employment, Migration, Section Labour Market, Austrian Ministry of Economics and Labour)

Prof. Alessandra Venturini


Moderation: Prof. Michael Landesmann (Scientific Director, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw), Professor of Econonomics Johannes Kepler University Linz)


18:15: Networking


18:30: End of the Workshop


The Workshop will be held in English

Pictures of the 3rd FIW-Workshop

Welcoming words from MR Dr. Manfred Schekulin/BMWA (middle) introduction from Prof. Michael Landesmann/wiiw (second from left).

The first two presentators, Dr. Herbert Brücker/IAB an Prof. Alessandra Venturini/Law Faculty Torino.

The third lecturer Dr. Rainer Münz/Erste Bank.

The expert audience asking questions.

Concluding panel discussion, moderated by Prof. Michael Landesmann/wiiw. Participants were Dr. Helmut Hofer/IHS, MR Dr. Ingrid Nowotny, and the three lecturers.