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19.10.2024 : 3:42 : +0200

The FIW - Research Centre International Economics ( is a cooperation between the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the University Vienna, the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the University of Innsbruck, WIFO, wiiw and WSR. FIW is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministries of Education, Research and Science (BMBFW) and of Labour and Economy (BMAW).

FIW Statistics

Current  FIW Statistics on International Trade,  a clear and graphical overview.



Veranstaltungshinweis: Einladung zur Konferenz "Turkish-Austrian economic relations in a European and international context"

Am 18. 3. findet ab 14:30 Uhr die Konferenz "Turkish-Austrian economic relations in a European and international context" in der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank statt.[more]


FIW-Working Paper No. 106 published

The FIW-Working Paper No. 106 regarding "Aggregation Bias in Trade Elasticities: The Case of Macedonia" by Branimir Jovanovic has been published.


FIW-Working Paper No. 105 published

The FIW-Working Paper No. 105 regarding "Another look at the determinants of current account imbalances in the European Union: An empirical assessment" by Agnieszka Gehringer has been published.


FIW-Working Paper No. 104 published

The FIW-Working Paper No. 104 regarding "Country-specific determinants of horizontal and vertical intra-industry agri-food trade of the Visegrad Countries" by Attila Jambor has been published.


FIW-Seminar "International Economics" on March 14th

The next FIW-Seminar in "International Economics" on "Integration Processes in European R&D: A comparative spatial interaction approach using project based R&D networks, co-patent networks and co-publication networks" takes place on Thursday, March 14th, 4 pm, at the Vienna Institute for Internationale Economic Studies.


Statistik Austria: Außenhandel Dezember 2012: Ein- und Ausfuhren jeweils um 7% gesunken

Wie Statistik Austria anhand vorläufiger Ergebnisse errechnete, lag der Gesamtwert der Einfuhren von Waren im Berichtsmonat Dezember 2012 mit 9,58 Mrd. Euro um 7,0% unter dem Vorjahreswert, die Ausfuhren von Waren verzeichneten ebenfalls einen Rückgang von 7,1% auf 8,77 Mrd. Euro. Das Defizit der Handelsbilanz belief sich auf 0,82 Mrd. Euro.


Statistics Austria: January to December 2012: moderate increase in imports (0.7%) and exports (1.4%)

According to preliminary results by Statistics Austria, total imports amounted to €131.96 bn and total exports amounted to €123.47 bn in the period January to December 2012. Austrian imports increased by 0.7% and Austrian exports rose by 1.4% compared to the same period in 2011. The global foreign trade balance showed a deficit of €8.49 bn.


New Focus Spring 2013 available

The new focus regarding "New initiatives in EU trade policy" and "The Rediscovery of the exchange rate" is now available.


Ifo-Study: Dimensions and Impact of a Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the USA

The proposal of a comprehensive trade agreement between the USA and the EU is currently being intensively debated. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Gabriel Felbermayr, Mario Larch, Lisandra Flach, Erdal Yalcin and Sebastian Benz from the Ifo Institute’s International Trade Department have investigated the dimensions and impact of such an agreement. The study finds that a free trade agreement would accelerate growth, give medium-sized companies a boost and create secure, well-paid jobs.


6th FIW Research Conference: Presentations available online

The presentations of 6th FIW-Research Conference are available online at the conference website.