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The FIW - Research Centre International Economics ( is a cooperation between the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the University Vienna, the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the University of Innsbruck, WIFO, wiiw and WSR. FIW is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministries of Education, Research and Science (BMBFW) and of Labour and Economy (BMAW).

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Statistics Austria: Regional foreign trade 2017 (preliminary results): all federal states with increases in exports

In the year 2017, all nine Austrian federal states registered increases in both exports and imports, according to preliminary results by Statistics Austria. On the export side, the federal states Styria (+11.6%) and Vienna (+10.1%) realised the highest relative increases. In absolute terms, Upper Austria (€2.73 bn) and Styria (€2.25 bn) showed the strongest gains. On the import side, Lower Austria (+11,2% or +€2.50 bn) and Styria (+17,3% or +€2.49 bn) recorded the strongest absolute and relative increases compared to the previous year. The highest external trade values in terms of trade intensity (sum of imports and exports) were observed in Upper Austria, Vienna and Lower Austria – in the order indicated. [more]


Statistics Austria: January to April 2018: increase in imports (+4.2%) and exports (+5.9%)

In the period January to April 2018, total imports amounted to €50.74 bn and total exports added up to €49.39 bn, according to preliminary results by Statistics Austria. Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, Austrian imports increased by 4.2% and Austrian exports rose by 5.9%. The global foreign trade balance showed a deficit of €1.35 bn. Working-day adjusted, the rates of increase were 3.7% for imports and 5.3% for exports.


Reminder: FIW Workshop on International Economic Networks (W.I.E.N) on July 6&7 2018

W.I.E.N. will gather a sizable number of leading researchers in International Economics from both sides of the Atlantic. They will cover state-of-the-art research in the areas of urban and spatial economics, economic geography, migration, firm-level trade behavior, etc. The workshop's format will allow for detailed presentations and discussion about the research strategies underlying the presented papers. Date: 6th - 7th July 2018 Venue: University of Vienna, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna, Sky Lounge We kindly ask for registration. Entrance is free.


Statistics Austria: Foreign Trade January to March 2018: increase in imports (+1.9%) and exports (+4.8%)

In the period January to March 2018, total imports amounted to €38.10 bn and total exports added up to €37.24 bn, according to preliminary results by Statistics Austria. Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, Austrian imports increased by 1.9% and Austrian exports rose by 4.8%. The global foreign trade balance showed a deficit of €0.87 bn. Working-day adjusted, the rates of increase were 2.1% for imports and 5.0% for exports.


FIW Policy No. 40 "Input-Output-Verflechtungen der Sachgüternachfrage und von Ausgaben für Forschung und Entwicklung" published

The FIW Policy Brief No. 40 regarding ""Input-Output-Verflechtungen der Sachgüternachfrage und von Ausgaben für F&E"" by Oliver Fritz, Gerhard Streicher and Fabian Unterlass has been published and is available online for free. The Policy Brief is available in German language.[more]


FIW Workshop on International Economic Networks

FIW in cooperation with the wiiw and the University Vienna would like to invite you to the 24th FIW Workshop on International Economic Networks, taking place on the July 6th and 7th at the Sky lounge, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, University of Vienna, Oskar Morgenstern Platz 1, 1090 Vienna We kindly ask for registration. Entrance is free.


FIW-wiiw-Seminar in International Economics: May 30, 2018

Title: Domestic Barriers to Internal and International Trade: New Evidence for Brazil, 1920-1940 Speaker: Michael Huberman, Université de Montréal, Canada 30 May 2018, 3:00 p.m. Venue:wiiw, Rahlgasse 3, 1060 Vienna We kindly ask you to register for the event. Participation is free of charge.[more]


Statistics Austria: Foreign trade January to February 2018: slight decline in imports (-0.3%), increase in exports (+4.3%)

In the period January to February 2018, total imports amounted to €23.87 bn and total exports added up to €23.60 bn, according to preliminary results by Statistics Austria. Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, Austrian imports decreased by 0.3% and Austrian exports rose by 4.3%. The global foreign trade balance showed a deficit of €0.26 bn. Working-day adjusted, imports declined by 2.1% and exports increased by 2.5%.


Anstehende Neuerungen des FIW-Datenportals

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Wir möchten Sie über anstehende Neuerungen des FIW-Datenportals informieren.  Die alten FIW-Server können aufgrund nicht mehr unterstützter Software-Updates bzw. Supports von Herstellerseite nicht mehr länger aktualisiert werden. Als Konsequenz daraus wird daher das FIW-Datenabfragetool nur mehr bis Ende Mai 2018 zur Verfügung stehen. Die FIW-Datenbestände werden ab sofort nur mehr im neuen WIFO-Daten-System (WDS) aktuell gehalten.   Derzeit sind im WDS folgende FIW-Datenbestände integriert: * IMF BOP * IMF DOT * IMF IFS * Nationale Datenbestände (früher: GEN) * FDI * WIIW * Comtrade * Es ist nicht geplant, die Comext Datenbestände ebenfalls ins WDS zu integrieren, da diese über die Eurostat Website kostenlos zur Verfügung stehen.   Da es zurzeit auf das WDS keinen Webzugriff gibt, bieten wir Ihnen an, die FIW-Datenbestände über den WDS-Client zu beziehen.   Der WDS-Client ist eine Windows Desktop Applikation (lauffähig unter Windows 7, Windows 8 und Windows 10), mit dem Sie auf das WDS zugreifen und dieses mittels Volltext- bzw Katalogsuche durchsuchen können. Die von Ihnen ausgewählten Datenreihen können Sie nach Excel exportieren. Einmal in Excel abgespeicherte Daten können Sie auf Knopfdruck laufend aktualisieren. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Das FIW-Team[more]


FIW Policy No.39 "Der Beitrag von Sachgüterexporten zur Wirtschaftsleistung: Eine Input-Output-Analyse published

The FIW Policy Brief No. 39 regarding "an input-output-anlaysis of the contribution of physical-goods-exports" by Oliver Fritz and Gerhard Streicher has been published and is available online for free. The Policy Brief is available in German language.[more]